Thursday, December 24, 2009

Grinch Alert!

What a wonderful time of year.....

The houses are all trimmed ... outside and in
The presents are teeming ... that Santa brought in
The burglars are greedy ... and don't really care
Into your house ... they surely will dare

In through the garage ... or window ajar
Searchin for treasure ... to getaway in a car
Peeping high and low ... while you're in the yard
Old Rover is nappin' ... not much of a guard

They found the Ipod ... the Iphone and cash
Out thru the door ... in a great big ol' dash
Your neighbor was watching ... and wrote down with great care
Their car type, their description ... and the color of their hair

On to the phone .. calling La Quinta's finest
"911" answered the operator ... her voice was the kindest
"They stole Christmas, They're getting away" ... you did utter
"They jumped in a car" ... your heart all aflutter

"It was new and blue ... and the door had a dent"
"They got the neighbors cash ... and presents they'd been sent"
"We're on our way, don't worry ... please stay on the line"
The officers were dispatched ... and wasted no time

They caught the burglars ... returning the presents and cash
We rejoiced and regaled ... we threw quite a bash
Neighborhood Watch had won ... and proved hands down
By Gosh and By Golly ... "There's a new Santa in town"

For Safety and Security Tips, I welcome you to view the Desert Pride Neighborhood Watch Blog -

Sunday, December 20, 2009

And the beat goes on.......

Just when you start feeling good about the state of the economy, just when you start hearing about property values inching back up, just when you start hearing about job losses going down just when Christmas is looming,up pops an article that reminds you that all is not well in the U.S.A. - Today!

No one has really said much about the effect of the commercial market and how interest rate adjustments and loans coming to term are going to smack the taste out of the countries' developers starting in 2010; and

The LA Times has released an article on the next wave of residential tragedies. Read the complete article here:,0,3770149.story

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Looking to buy a distressed property......?

There are many great properties still available to those searching for their first home. There is a great need burning in the back of their minds in the form of a keen interest in availing themselves of the first time homebuyers tax credit that has now been extended.

The problem is hanging in there and viewing all the available ones until that diamond in the rough shows up. Searching and searching, you finally walk into a house that seems to have the great "bones" you're looking for. You can actually see your furniture in the house; HOWEVER, it's just in a condition that would make it unlivable for numerous reasons: The prior owner may have not kept up on deferred maintenance or maybe they were upset that they're losing the house/lost the house and damaged it intentionally or it has been broken into by the homeless or kids while it has been standing vacant and they have wreaked havoc on it. You just don't have the money to buy it and fix it up and you see your dream donning wings.....

Well, Cheer Up! because if you've employed the right Realtor and Lender and you can afford payments on a higher loan amount than you need to buy the property, you can probably start planning the celebration for the next Holiday at your new house. Their is a great loan out there offered by the FHA that provides for acquisition and renovation, you could even include new applicances and other energy efficiencies.

You can certainly contact me @ for immediate assistance and guidance for California real estate or you might read the article by accessing the following site:

Keep the faith!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Quarter 2010 Forecasts

First Time HomeBuyer activity is a major factor in current stabilization. The first quarter of 2010 will show us increased foreclosure activity with rising interest rates. Read all the particulars available @{scid=new-site-centerlink1}

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Looking for a house - Do your homework before calling

Sure, you have an idea about how much you are able to spend and the features your looking for in your new or next home but how much time have you dedicated to where you want this house to be located?

When making your decision to buy a new home, you've already considered upsizing, downsizing, Single Family -vs- Condominium. The endeavor is eased by the fact that you can advise your Realtor of the key features you're interested in... number of bedrooms/baths, garage size, floor coverings, kitchen attributes, etc. The challenge is finding the right location for convenience, commute, schools, gated communities, non-gated communities, golf, tennis, cycling, walk score, prestige, etc. ~ whatever is important to you.

If your moving next door to the Kids, Grandparents or your best friends, your job is pretty easy; however, if it's a new area for you, you need to do a bit of homework to ensure your decision is the right one. It's costly to try and make a change shortly after relocating so in this case-homework is your best friend, regardless of your memories from high school when your favorite TV show was on.

If you're new to an area, you might consider driving through it at different times of the day and on different days of the week (gated communities would be a problem). This will give you an indication of typical activity of your potential neighbors. If
it is in a gated community or named development, it's possible that there may be a dedicated Website or Blog that you might find helpful.

Make it a point to stop at the Chamber of Commerce, a great source of information for occupancy, employment, income levels, crime rate, school ratings and locations, transportation, local businesses, dining, entertainment, etc. You might also consider stopping at City Hall to inquire about zoning ordinances, home businesses, parking issues, neighborhood watches, parks and recreation, etc.

If you're relocating, you can generally obtain good feedback from your new or potential co-workers. You might also query friends and family. If you are adventurous, you might knock on a door or two, or stop and speak to someone watering the lawn, walking the dog etc. - be careful and be courteous - they could be your new neighbor. Your personal skills at relieving their apprehension and telling you what they know are really important as they can tell you about the area since they are the ones who have been living there for years; and, finally...

You can rely upon your Realtor or if you haven't started working with one, it's a perfect time to test the waters. Realtors need to stay up on the neighborhoods they specialize in. A short conversation inquiring about a home or area gives them a hint you may be a potential client and you do not have to hire them on the spot but can tell you if the person you are dealing with has the knowledge of your target area that you feel qualifies them to represent you.

Keep the faith!

p.s. Remember that Realtors are able to assist you with access to gated communities

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Buyers will save money with new disclosure laws??

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced that for the first four months of 2010, the staff of the Mortgagee Review Board (MRB) will exercise restraint in enforcing new regulatory requirements under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), due to take full effect on January 1. The MRB instructed its staff to exercise such restraint in considering an action against FHA-approved lenders who have demonstrated that they are making a good faith effort to comply with RESPA's new requirements.

In addition, HUD is asking other federal and relevant state enforcement agencies to exercise the same 120-day restraint in enforcement for non-FHA originators and other settlement service providers who demonstrate the good faith effort to implement RESPA's new rules. In determining whether a mortgagee has made a good faith effort, MRB staff will consider whether the mortgagee has relied on the new RESPA rule and other written guidance issued by the Department, and the extent to which the mortgagee has made sufficient investment and commitment in technology, training, and quality control designed to comply with the new rule.

"We will work with those who are making an honest effort to work with us as we implement these important new consumer protections," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "While we will not delay implementation of RESPA's new requirements, we are sensitive to the concerns of the industry as it integrates these new rules into their day-to-day business practices."

On January 1, 2010, HUD will require that lenders and mortgage brokers provide consumers with a standard Good Faith Estimate (GFE) that clearly discloses key loan terms and closing costs. Closing agents will also be required to provide borrowers a new HUD-1 Settlement Statement that clearly compares consumers' final and estimated costs. The new RESPA rule became effective on January 16, 2009, but provided a one-year transition period for the mortgage industry to incorporate these changes. HUD will continue to work with the mortgage industry during this period, including providing a comprehensive set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on its website.

By improving the disclosures borrowers receive when applying for a mortgage, and by promoting comparison shopping, HUD believes its new RESPA regulation will save consumers an average of nearly $700 in mortgage costs.


Telling you what it means shouldn't change what is charged... It all comes down to understanding what your prospective Lender/Broker said and does. Just because they disclose it, did they or did they not charge it? The types of discloures referenced herein can realy be helpful if you are shopping online but if you have a relationship you still have to rely on instinct; however, nothing wrong with a little homework....